This weekend, you can tune in to Radio Delta on February 18, 2024, on 6110 kHz from approximately 6 UTC to 9 UTC, and also on 12.030 kHz from 9 UTC to 11:30 UTC.

Over the past week, extensive testing has been conducted with the new antennas. The results have not shown improvement compared to the existing antennas. Not every change leads to enhancement. However, a promising discovery was made that the new antenna provides excellent results on the 31-meter shortwave band. Further testing will be carried out to explore this success. Initial plans to utilize the 19-meter shortwave band in the future have been reassessed due to test outcomes indicating it may not offer optimal coverage across Europe. Continuous testing is underway to achieve the best possible outcome.

We express our gratitude to Harri from Oulu for the consistent and enjoyable musical contribution to the ‘Finnish Request’ program, airing from 6 UTC to 7 UTC.

In other news, Radio Monique has recently launched the 1332 kHz mediumwave frequency. Progress has been made with the installation of a new antenna last Saturday, February 17th. Further enhancements, including raising the antenna height and adjustments, are planned in the upcoming months. Visit our website to view new videos showcasing the developments at Radio Monique.


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2 thoughts on “Week 7

  1. Thanks Aart for the look inside the antenna project and your time you spend on the good reception for us all over Europe. The 6110 is always my favourite but on 12030 the reception in many countries in Europe which I have heard on several different Web SSR are on a very high level. It is the best which we listeners get from your station but great is
    sometimes a high step further. Radio Delta we are proud to have a staion like yours. 73, Dieter

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