Today, we would like to present a special poem, About a man named Dieter, who resides in Hamburg, his beloved home. He faithfully tunes in to Radio Delta every week, a station that brings him joy, leaving him feeling so unique.

Dieter has a deep passion for history and radio, for 39 years, he’s collected tales from stations to and fro. Using his Kenwood R5000 and JRC NRD 535 DG receivers, he explores the shortwave, where he finds captivating transceivers.

With his self-built loop antenna, a loyal companion indeed, Dieter’s dedication to the world of radio is a true feat. He dives into the frequencies with great enthusiasm and zeal, bringing the waves to life, creating connections that feel so real.

So let us all applaud Dieter, the avid radio listener from Hamburg, whose love for this medium is truly remarkable, no need to disambiguate. As we embark on this special broadcast, filled with wonder and delight, may Dieter’s passion for radio inspire us all, shining ever so bright.

2 thoughts on “Radio Poem: Dieter from Hamburg

  1. Wonderful to read about this noble man!
    There’s something very special with AM radio, something that digital broadcasting will never even come close to!
    Dear Dieter, I visit Hamburg every year in the beginning of October! Perhaps we could have a meal and a bear, and talk radio memories?
    One big mistake I have made is to take broadcasting stations for granted. Take Radio Luxembourg 1440 kHz for example….
    Lennart aus Schweden

    1. Dear Lennart,
      thank you for the appreciative words. I would be happy if we met in Hamburg in October. Hamburg offers many possibilities. I still see radio as one of the most important media. Shortwave is enjoying a bit of a revival, especially since I developed a long-term pen pal relationship in Australia via Radio Nederland. The 1440 kHz was a happy wave with a good program for me for many years. Luckily there is Radio Delta… Greetings from Sweden, Dieter

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