In the picturesque town of Rijssen, located in the east of the Netherlands, lives a remarkable man named William. Every week, he exchanges the mundane sounds of everyday life to immerse himself in the enchanting world of radio. With his faithful companions – the mediumwave and shortwave – he regularly experiences extraordinary adventures. It’s a Saturday evening, and William sits anxiously listening to his favorite stations on the mediumwave and shortwave. This evening is extra special because he is expecting a reception report that makes his heart beat faster. The radio is his window to the world, and every week, he is rewarded with a glimpse of the unknown. 

In the winter months, the mediumwave comes alive, offering a fascinating DX experience. William can hear stations from Peru, the United States, and other far-off places. It’s as if the magic of radio takes him on a journey to exotic destinations without leaving his familiar armchair.Two years ago, William stumbled upon a rare gem – the radio broadcast of the legendary “Radio Veldwachter” from Alkmaar. He was so excited about this discovery that he proudly added the recording to his collection. It proves once again that radio is not just a passion but also a precious treasure full of memories.

William is overjoyed when Radio Delta plays old classics like “The Wallstreet Shuffle” by 10cc or “Up on the Catwalk” by The Simple Minds. These timeless songs take him back to special moments in his life and let him drift away in a sea of nostalgia. In addition to his radio adventures, William frequently explores the Kiwi SDRs to see how his own reception performs. It’s always exciting to discover how far the radio signal travels and what surprises the ether has in store for him. Listening to Ham radios remains a fascinating hobby for William. Recently, he even received a signal from ZL3RIK, a transmitter from Christchurch, New Zealand, using his AL1 loop antenna. It’s truly amazing how radio connections can unite us, even over long distances. William uses an NRD-535 HF receiver with an AL1 loop antenna and high-quality speakers to create an immersive sound. He values an optimal sound experience, allowing him to fully engage in his favorite radio programs.

Through WhatsApp, William regularly shares fun news with us, and we have built a warm and close connection. It’s wonderful to see how radio brings us together and fosters new friendships. At Radio Delta, we always strive to share and cherish these beautiful connections with our listeners. Besides his passion for radio, William has other interesting sides. He is a big fan of André Rieu, whom he enjoys watching live during his performances. 

We want to thank William for his dedication and loyalty to Radio Delta. His listening experiences and enthusiasm mean a great deal to us. We sincerely hope to receive many more wonderful reception reports from him and that our friendship may continue to thrive for many years to come.

About The Author

2 thoughts on “A Radio Adventure with William from Rijssen

  1. Geweldig mooi verwoord,Aart.
    Wordt ten zeerste gewaardeerd,respect voor jouw persoonlijkheid en warme betrokkenheid met je luisteraars.
    Ik wens je nog vele jaren plezier en succes met de uitzendingen op kortegolf!

    1. Dankjewel William! Mooi dat je altijd luistert en de tijd neemt om een berichtje te sturen. Zonder deze support waren wij allang gestopt…..

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