Since the beginning of March 2024, a new private radio station called RealMix Radio has launched from Finland. The founder and operator of this exciting initiative is 16-year-old Joakim Weckström. After a test weekend, the station received numerous reception reports, even while broadcasting with a mere 15 watts of power (60 W PEP).

Reception and Confirmation

Using the WebSDR in Finland, it was possible to record the broadcasts with reception levels ranging from S5 to S7 through the Loppi receiver in Finland. On March 9, 2024, I submitted a reception report that received confirmation number **76**. This highlights the immediacy and early popularity of the station.

On August 17, the signal was also received at Radio Delta on the ICOM 7610, which can be seen in a video. This indicates that the reach of RealMix Radio is steadily increasing and that the quality of its broadcasts is improving.

Growth and Improvement

Since May 25, Joakim and his team have been broadcasting with 100 watts and a different antenna. This has improved their reach, although sometimes the signal was weak when I tried listening in Hamburg, northern Germany, using a loop antenna indoors. Nevertheless, the station was still audible.

In recent weeks, Joakim has significantly expanded his programming content. Several DJs have joined the team, and he has fulfilled music requests multiple times during his self-moderated broadcast hours. On two Sundays, he even honored my music requests from **Bad Boys Blue** and **Toto**. This demonstrates his commitment to his listeners.

New Frequency and Broadcast Times

Joakim has obtained a new broadcasting license for 6195 kHz, and he now only broadcasts in the evenings, with plans to operate 24 hours a day. This offers listeners the opportunity to enjoy his music and programs at different times of the day.


Unfortunately, as with other LPAM stations, interference from China Radio International remains a significant issue. This presents a challenge for Joakim to keep his signal clear and strong.

I wish Joakim all the best and much success on his journey to becoming a major broadcaster in Finland. His passion and dedication are inspiring, and it is exciting to see him realize his dream!

2 thoughts on “RealMix Radio

  1. Thanks for publishing, Aart.
    I am very proud of Joakim for his ambition and how he has turned the idea of ​​his own radio station into reality and is continually testing what else is possible.
    I think we will hear and read a lot more from him.

  2. Soviel Enthusiasmus muß belohnt werden und ich finde es immer wieder bewundernswert, daß junge Radiomoderatoren ihr Ding machen und einen LPAM-Sender betreiben.

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